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The Father Speaks to His Children (English version)
Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio was an Italian nun who received a significant private revelation in 1932. In this revelation, God the Father conveyed an immensely important message for humanity. This is the only private revelation personally given by God the Father that has been recognised as authentic by the Catholic Church after ten years of rigorous examination. You can read the story and the important message in this book, available free of charge, which has also been translated into Maltese by Dr. Mario Vella.
Kindle, ‘EPUB’ version is also available at request here.
Il Missier Ikellem lil Uliedu (Maltese version)
Madre Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio kienet soru Taljana li rċeviet rivelazzjoni privata sinifikanti fl–1932. F‘din ir–rivelazzjoni, Alla l–Missier wassal messaġġ importanti immens għall–umanità. Din hija l–unika rivelazzjoni privata mogħtija personalment minn Alla l–Missier li ġiet rikonoxxuta bħala awtentika mill–Knisja Kattolika wara għaxar snin ta‘ eżami rigoruż. Tista‘ taqra l–istorja u l–messaġġ importanti f‘dan il–ktieb, disponibbli mingħajr ħlas, li ġie tradott ukoll għall–Malti minn Dr. Mario Vella.